Community Compost @ Greco Gardens
About: In May 2019, Tampa Bay Farm 2 School opened this public community soil making site at the community garden located on the campus of Greco Middle School. The compost bins are a design project combining the efforts of 7th grade Greco STEM students and USF School of Architecture and Community Design students. The short and long-term purpose of the compost site is to serve as a teaching tool for students as well as a source of soil for the student and community gardens. Also, it is possible that eventually the compost can be sold as a Greco school fundraiser. Local residents are invited to drop off their kitchen scraps. This free community compost site is accepting food waste from neighbors, food pantries and local businesses to make soil for the student and community garden. Located at the entrance of Greco Gardens off Gillette Ave. The site is maintained once a week by volunteers and finished product is given to contributors and community members when available.During the 2019-20 school year, Greco students will contribute food waste from the school cafeteria. Receive updates about becoming a Soil Supporter by signing up here.
The compost bins are made of Western Red Cedar, galvanized steel hardware, and chicken wire. They will be placed on bricks to provide a barrier for the wood from moisture. As a Greco Middle School community partner and host of the Community Compost site, Farm 2 School is providing ongoing maintenance, turning the compost, communicating with local Soil Supporters, and maintaining the appropriate balance of materials for a productive outcome. We believe this compost system has the potential for valuable hands on lessons and a source of pride for students engaged in making soil for the gardens. This active composting site will serve as an outdoor classroom for Greco students for lessons about soil, bacteria, carbon sequestration. There is also the potential to create a fundraiser from selling the composted soil made from cafeteria waste.
Opening of the Community COmpost in May 2019
“The Tampa Bay Farm 2 School program and community garden at Greco Middle School is such a great addition to the city. The program allows students to grow, harvest and prepare fresh produce. I cannot think of a better way to demonstrate with hands on learning the rewards of effort, commitment and teamwork. The community garden bridges the generational, social and cultural gaps between young and old and strengthens teacher student relationships. Hats off to the movers and shakers behind this organization. As a Greco Alum and lifelong Temple Terrace resident, I cannot say thank-you enough. You can always count on me, my family and law firm for support.”
Thank you to these Community Compost sponsors: the Greco STEM program, City of Temple Terrace, USF School of Architecture and Community Design, the GFWC Temple Terrace Jr. Women’s Club,, Temple Terrace Preservation Society, Ward-Mitchell: Civil Trial Attorneys and the GFWC Temple Terrace Women’s Club.
About Greco Gardens
Greco Gardens at Greco Middle School is a unique project created by two organizations, the Tampa Bay Community Gardens and Tampa Bay Farm 2 School. Since its opening in 2013, TBF2S has organized volunteer groups to build the student gardens, helped Greco students plant and harvest, built an outdoor classroom in partnership with the USF School of Architecture and Community Design, organized regular grounds and garden maintenance workdays, organized a volunteer team to feed the animals on the weekends and helped with general facility maintenance.
During the 2016/17, 2017/18 and the current school year, Farm 2 School community and USF Patel College volunteer teams led by Beth Bosserman-Curts and the Gessman family, have helped with maintenance of the Greco Pollinator Garden, the Temple Orange tree grove, and feeding the farm animals on weekends and during school breaks. Enjoy these collection of photos! A partnership with the Greco STEM program has resulted in a new Community Compost site opening in May 2019.
Fall2012 prior to breaking ground on “Plot 3” of the Temple Terrace Community Garden at Greco Middle School.
USF Students volunteer at Greco Farms, building gardens, feeding the animals and general farm maintenance.
A lesson for Greco students who are learning for the first time how eggplants grow.
Visit to the garden by Greco students to learn about how corn is pollinated and grows on stalks.
“We are excited to support schoolyard gardens at Greco Middle School through the Farm 2 School program. Gardening can play an important role in connecting kids to the natural environment and encourage healthy food choices.”
Greco students and friends with a fresh sweet potato harvest
Greco students express their feelings about spending time in the garden.
Fabulous Sorority sisters painting the rails at Greco Middle School.
“I am happy to continue our partnership with Tampa Bay Farm 2 School as we work together to teach students the importance of good nutrition, show them how to plant and sustain a garden and use it’s harvest to cook delicious foods, and the addition this year of composting as we strive to lessen our carbon footprint on the planet. At Greco we are truly preparing our students for all aspects of life.”
USF students Prepping the gardens for Greco Agriculture students for spring planting.
TT Farm2School joined with the TT PReservation Society to establish this historical sign to commemorate the history of the city and that Greco was once an ORANGE grove.
TTF2S planted a mini-Temple Orange Grove to remind students and the community about how the city got its name.
“The Farm 2 School program at Greco has made it possible for students to learn gardening and gain valuable work skills. In 1922 Temple Terrace had the largest citrus grove in the world - all temple orange trees. Thanks to the initiative of TBF2S’s board, working with the Preservation Society and the city to install a historic marker at Greco, students can learn of the city’s orange grove history and the fact that the city is named Temple Terrace because of the temple orange tree.”
Volunteer Loretta Holtcamp brings the chickens a frozen treat to cool them down during the hot sumer months. (2016)
Gerry Curts directs the rebuilding of the chicken coop with help from Dylan.
Liam Gessman welcomes Mystic back for the new 2018/19 school year.
Julian shares a carrot with Dolly.
TTF2S volunteers spruce up the Pollinator Garden January 2018.
USF freshman student workday. TTF2S organized teams to clean out the sheds and wash rebel and mystic, the miniature horses.
Beth Bosserman-Curts delivers pumpkins in a fundraiser to benefit the Greco Culinary arts students.
Kelly, Jacques Werleigh and Beth Bosserman-Curts working in the Greco Pollinator Garden.
November 17, 2018, USF volunteers weed and mulch the student strawberry garden.
August 2015, USF Stampede of Service students dig out the compacted soil to prepare the ground for new agriculture student garden beds.
August 2015, TTF2S/USF volunteer team led by Gerry & Beth Curts building the Greco student Gardens.
USF Freshman install tires to give the Farm Animals a little fun.
(L-R) Dr. Trevor Greene, Elizabeth Leib, Mr. Alege, Jennifer Webb, Alan Winton and Beth Bosserman Curts pose after INSTALLATION of the Greco OUTDoOR Classroom. TTF2S Coordinated efforts with the USF School of ARCHITECTURE and Commuity Design to build the outdoor classroom at Greco.
Liam and julian plant flower seeds.
TTF2S partnered with United Way to create this beautiful container garden located outside the STEM classroom at Greco Middle School.
Julian gessman gets some love from his Grandpa at the Greco Farm.
The beautiful pollinator garden funded by Beth and Gerry Curts.
Liam and Julian Gessman feed dolly on the weekends.